Juan Pablo Martínez
Senior Researcher

Senior Researcher at Hápax. Action Sciences Institute. He holds a PhD in Philosophy from the Universidad Pontificia Comillas (Madrid). He participates assiduously in the research seminar "Teoría de la Verdad" directed by Professor Miguel García-Baró at Comillas Pontifical University. He is the author of the books "El sufrimiento en la vida: reflexiones sobre la esencia humana a partir de Michel Henry" (Ed. Apeiron) and "Conversaciones con el diablo" (Ed. Círculo Rojo). He has taught philosophy at the Secondary and Baccalaureate level and his research has been directed towards the study of French phenomenology and Kantian moral philosophy. His research topics have dealt with evil, suffering, temptation, and their role in human life.

Central line of research
Affectivity and spirit in the immanence of Life, as it experiences itself in the living, namely in the phenomenological tonality of suffering.
Areas of specialization
Moral Philosophy, Philosophy of Religion, Anthropology, Michel Henry
Areas of interest
Phenomenology, Ethics, Philosophy of Religion, Jewish Thought, Russian Philosophy, Patristics.
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"The rooting of knowledge in the Absolute does not exempt the subject from the ambiguities inherent in existence, but engages him in the risk, the adventure of thinking not only what has been given to him, but also what is yet to come."

My intellectual career began with my undergraduate studies in Philosophy at the University of Navarra. During these years, I became familiar with the main concepts of both metaphysics and classical ethics. I also met some anthropological approaches whose hallmark or sign of identity was man's openness to transcendence.

After these years, I took the master's degree for doctoral studies at the Complutense University of Madrid. During that year, I specialized in Kantian ethical philosophy under the direction of Professor Rogelio Rovira. I was especially interested in the critique of classical (Aristotelian) ethics carried out by Kantian morality and the exploration of the influences of such morality in Luther's work. I also investigated the concept of love in Kantian morality because of Kant's interpretation of the Gospel command. In parallel, I also worked on the phenomenon of evil in dialogue with the work of Paul Ricoeur.

At a congress in Comillas, I met Professor Miguel García-Baró, who from that moment exerted, and continues to exert a determining influence on my way of thinking. I then decided to do my doctorate at the Comillas Pontifical University, where I came into close contact with phenomenology. Following a stay in Paris, my research interests turned to French phenomenology, especially Michel Henry, on whom I finally carried out my research work. In it, I worked on the notion of suffering as a way of experiencing oneself as purely given by Life, with Life and in Life. Through the reading of Michel Henry, I realized how man is existentially and affectively "contained" in the movement by which the Absolute gives itself to each living being. And this without the need to split man into irreconcilable dimensions or spheres through which he may not recognize himself as what he really is: a child of Life. 

After the presentation of my thesis, defended at Comillas and published by Editorial Apeiron, my research concern focused on the phenomenological analysis of temptation. In other words, I concentrated on the fact of investigating not so much how Life is given in the living being, but rather how the living being receives the Life that is being always given to it. As a result of these investigations, I came to formulate a series of conclusions about "the diabolic experience", a line on which I am still working today.

On the other hand, in my assiduous participation in Miguel García- Baró's "Theory of Truth" seminar, I have had the opportunity to incorporate to my study’s other areas of academic-research interest: Russian philosophy or Jewish thought, currents with which I want to continue establishing a deep dialogue to clarify the being of man.



- Juan Pablo Martínez Martínez, 2021. El sufrimiento en la vida: reflexiones en torno a la esencia humana a partir de Michel Henry, Apeiron: Madrid.

- Juan Pablo Martínez Martínez. 2017. Conversations with the devil. Almería: Ed. Círculo Rojo.

Refereed articles

 -"Eros and agape in the light of pain," in Studia Redemptorystowkie, n. 14, 2016.

 -"The interpretation of the commandment of love in Kantian ethics," in Metaphysics and Person, n. 13, 2015.

 - "Suffering evil as a way of access to transcendence: a revision of the problem of evil in Paul Ricoeur," in Metaphysics and Person, n. 8, 2012.

Book chapters

 - "Tiempos de ambigüedad" in John David Barrientos Rodríguez (ed.) Filosofía en la cuarentena: Ensayos al comienzo de una pandemia, Madrid: Apeiron, 2021.

Academic formation

2017. Doctor of Philosophy, Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Madrid.

Thesis: Suffering in life: reflections on the human essence based on Michel Henry.

Director: Dr. Miguel García-Baró

January-June. 2017. Erasmus Scholarship. ICP, Paris.

2013. Master’s in advanced studies in philosophy, Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

Thesis: Duty, self-love, and pain: hermeneutic keys of an anthropological ethics.

Director: Dr. Rogelio Rovira Madrid.

2010. B.A. in Philosophy, University of Navarra, Spain. Teaching experience

Teaching experience